Thursday, 26 April 2007

Walthamstow - Week #17

Went three times this week after work, and each time was quite different. The water in both reservoirs were crystal clear.

Here is a brief summary of what happened:


Arrived about 5:00 pm and fished in number 4 - had nothing, then went to #5 and fished the corner near the tower.

Had one fish on a buzzer and a couple of takes and that was it. Wind was blowing from the South.

1 - 1 - 0


Arrived at 3:00 pm. Saw people fishing along the causeway, near the west corner. Wind was still blowing from the same direction as Monday.

Bloke corner caught as I walked along, and then the last person (about 4 people along) caught one. So I fished along from him.

Tactics were 4 fly cast; orange sight bob fly, dial bach, buzzer (both as pics below), and the point fly was changed on several occasions. Wind was blowing nicely slightly accross me from the left. Cast my flies out slightly in to the wind and let the wind move them across. Takes came rapidly and had 2 fish on at the same time on my second cast. Had plenty of action for a couple of hours, although the fishing went dead for a while very now and then.

Early evening the fish went of altogeter. I heard a rise in #5 behind me and cast to a fish, and bang it was on. Casting in to the wind with buzzers was very difficult and although the fish were rising close to the bank it was very hard presenting the team of flies to them and had to give up on them in the end.

Meanwhile, the fish started rising in #4, and there was a prolific hatch of green buzzers. I have never seen so many, had to keep waving my hand in front of my eyes to see whet I was doing. the fish were well on them, and I never got a tug, probably because my flies were 1 in a million.

4 - 3 - 3


Arrived just after 5:00 pm. Wind had swung round and was cold and blowing from the North. Fished on the 2nd platform from the corner near the pylon on #4 (near the road / railway line).

Had a fish on my second cast. Same tactics as Tuesday. Played it in quickly and he swam under the platform, then snapped my buzzer of as I was passing my rod under the platform.

Lost a monster while winding in, fish pulled the line, reel spun, birds nest, fish pulled again........ SNAP!

Moved along the bank to the other corner, and got no joy. Walked round to the causeway and was told that no one was catching. Went back to my first position and had a fish shortly after on the drop on a long cast, also had another on the retrieve (these 2 were in the last hour).

4 - 3 - 0

Of on hols for 2 weeks, be back soon!

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