Thursday, 12 April 2007

Walthamstow - 10/04/07

Arrived around 12:00. In the lodge was details of a fish screen that was fitted to #4 to stop the fish swimming in to the Higher Maynard where some of the carp boys have been pulling out a few nice rainbows. The water flows from the Higher Maynard into #4 and it's quite natural for a trout too want to swim upstream and this how quite a few have ended up in there.

The water in #4 was still quite brown, contrastly the water in #5 was very clear, probably due to the drain down in #4 last year. I made my way to the Causeway and fished in to both resevoirs for a couple of hours and managed one fish from one take in #5 and saw a few fish rise in the corner of #4. the fish took a Damsel nymph on a 3 fly leader on a floating line.

1 = Causeway, 2 = #5 Corner

I then moved round to the corner in#5. Half way along, one bloke had caught a 5-6lb'er on an olive.

The fishing quickly improved, even though it was a mild wind, it was a lot more comfortable fishing with the wind. I cast out a black holographic buzzer, dial bach and bloodworm, with a bung. Moving the flies very slowly after leaving them static for a good few minutes, I begun to get action. I had a double hook up, fish taking on the first twitch of the flies after a long cast, and even had a fish on the last cast winding in. Unfortunately had to leave early to watch Chelsea overcome the odds to beat Valencia in the Champs League Semi final. Packed up at 6:30 and was indoors with a stella for 7:30. Marked 3 fish down.

A couple of the fish had Cormorant puches on them and a few were diving/swimming around pannicking the fish. Would be good if someone could get in a boat and set fire to the rotten trees on the islands that are full of the nests (anyone got a light?).

Black Holographic Buzzer (click for larger pic.)

Hook: Size 12 Sedge
Body: Black Holographic Tinsel (varnished for protection after ribbing)
Rib: 4lb Fluorocarbon
Breathers: White Poly Yarn
Thorax: Hares Ear

Dail Bach (click for larger pic.)

Hook: Size 10 Partridge Traditional Wet Fly - Heavy Wire
Body: Green Peacock Herl
Rib: Fine Copper wire
Thorax: Black Peacock Herl
Tail & Underwing: Brown Cock Feather fibres
Cheeks: Pearl Flashbou

6 - 3- 0

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