Got up nice and early, and got too Farmoor around 9:30. Was really looking forward to having one of the first boats on the water this season. Unfortunately, although it was a nice bright day, there was a very cold, blusterly wind blowing down from the North East. Due to the wind direction and speed, Marco and Myself were completly gutted to hear that the boats were cancelled.
We therfore bought our tickets and fished the East Bank. With the wind coming over the right hand shoulder, it was very uncomfortable. I manged to get in to a fish after about 1/2 hour at point number 1, just past the no fishing sign (the right side of it!). Marco fished from the Causeway for a couple of hours and then moved round to the boat pontoon.

I continued to fish in the same point with a couple of boobies on the 40+ Di7 line. I also tryed a sink tip with buzzers. All in all I managed 3 fish on the boobies, and nothing touched the buzzers. The fish were full of green daphnia and some little black buzzers. Nice to see the stockies were twice the size of some of the fish that were stocked last year. The fishing was hard and it seemed like you had to sit it out and wait for the shoal to swim past, rather than try and find em.
Paul told us that he was going to be fishing Farmoor 1 shortly, trolling with lures to try hunt some of the monster residents. Next year it will be a big fish, bank only venue, £40 for 4 fish. I will definately be having a go there next season, and am waiting for Paul to invite me to the pioneering trolling day.
Competition results
Marco 5
Vince 3
not jammy at all, i remind you of last season at hannifield, every vist i had more fish and bigger fish ,all you need to do is watch me and learn
Never read so much bollocks in all my life.
I'll keep record here, and then we will see who is the 'Daddie'!
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