Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Walthamstow - 16/09/08

Lorhic performed great although all I had were a couple of switrls around drys and no pulls on that rod.
Saw a massive fish, around half the length of my arm hidding about 2 foot away from the bank feeding on something (maybe snails) hiding under a mat of algae. I could just see its dorsal fin cutting through the algae, or a little swirl when the algae was disturbed. I got carried away and spent at least hour and half I pursuit of it. The first fly I got right in front of it was a blob, and he dissapeared for 10 mins. I then managed a buzzer and ptn, but nothing tempted him. Each time I got something near it, I would not see him for a further 10 mins. Could not pull away from it, but in the end had - to give up. I know where he should be next time and will have another crack I'm sure (black & peacock spider with a touch of lead?). Would have been my best fish from Wally by a long shot!!

I continued to fish from #5 to #4, easterly wind was blowing and I was a little pessemistic. Got round to the swirl by the railway bank and tryed my floater with buzzers and dries, and managed one swirl when I was lifting off to cast to another fish. Was getting late, nearly 19:00.

Had a rod set up with the 2 boobies that had been at the start of the season on a Di7 shooting head. On my first cast within a couple of pulls I had my first fish on, that I lost by the bank. Next cast had another and managed to land it, nice 2.5 pounder, had taken the deepest fly. Had more takes and lost a fish. Realised that my point booby had straightened out. Also, had my first perch from Wally. Shame I found the fish and the method so late in the day.

Of to Farmoor 2 on sunday with marco for confidence booster!!

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