This must have been my best afternoon session ever here!! Had 18 fish, with the biggest weighing in at 4lb 8oz, easily my best this season.
Wind was northerly and I started fishing with a single #14 red bodied CDC with teased out picric seals fur thorax. Later I added a ginked up black doobry to the middle which also fished well. The big fish took on a long distance cast, fish were moving all over the place and it was possible to cast at a fish nearly every cast.
He spooned his fish and found that they had empty stomachs, this was also the same as the large fish I took. #4 had not been stocked for some time, and therefore these were not stockies, and it was strange that with the abundance of food the fish had not been feeding, although they took surface flies.
Towards the evening I tryed a booby on a Di7 and that took a fish on the first cast. I was trying to make it to 20!! All fish apart from big one I took were returned un-harmed. I think the fish might have been getting in to spawning mode, as it was near that time of year and they may have been attracted to the flow of water entering from the Higher Maynard reservoir.
Weighed the biggie at the office and entered it for Troutmasters 2008.. Gonna try it smoked in Marco's new smoker.