The effort was worth it though, and the last time Marco and myself fished Farmoor was back at the Complete Fisher Social in October 07. Again the result was the same, and I whooped the arse of Marco.
My first fish after a minute on the first drift weighed in at exactly 3lb and was a nice hard fighting fish. All the other fish were of the same stamp, but smaller, although all were at least 2lb.
Below is my new 7 piece rod that was well and truly christened and the 3lb fish:
My set up was Di7 with a 16' leader - black & green booby with large eyes on the point, coral blob in the middle, and a comorant on the top. The first 3 fish came to the boob, then I had 2 fish on the blob and 4 fish on the cormorant - in that order. It was funny how the fish prefered the flies in that order, must have been due the different depths as it was a sort of washing line style. I must of had a dozen in total, and Marco had a late run and had 9. All the fish were stuffed with either small #16 black buzzers or daphnia. One was even chocked right up to its mouth with buzzers.
At one stage the water was like fly soup, loads of timy buzzers taking of from the surface and the wind chill was making it close to freezing conditions!
The wind started in the North and we caught steadily from number 4 drifting past the cage and the boats. The better fish seemed to be nearer the 4 marker and then we found shoals of stockies all the way down towards the South bank.
We then tryed a drift from the inlet and the wind had turned to the NE and we only had 1 between us. The wind then went fully to the East and got very blustery. We drifted from the tower to the jetty and found it hard going. Put the drogue out and was in business again with a few more fish. Only on the last drift of the day did we not get a pull. Great day despite the freezing weather.
Cant wait for the next trip on the 5th April to farmoor 1, apparently it is teaming with 5lb + r's all the way round!!
Me = 12 (plus bonus for biggest fish!! Have to decide what that will be!)
Marco = 9
right lets get this stright, i took pity on you as the last time you beat with either the biggest fish or the most caught was in 2005 and i thought your confindance needed a boost for 2008 but as you insist on not putting the facts straight they are this 22 fish caught, you counted one that you got to the boat and tried to land by lifting in to the boat by the leeda the resualt was as you held the line the fish escaped, but you counted it , then when i was busy my rod went you pulled my fish on my rod and claimed that as yours to so in reality you caught 10 and i caught 11 but it the intrest of sportsmanship i will allow the score to be 10 to me and 12 to youas i dont want you to loose confidance and give up fishing otherwise who will i have to humiliate roll on the 5th
As i don't want any bad feelings, and feel pretty dam confident and hope you can make a lot more outings than last year - we can start level, and I will update the chart to 11 each.
I still caught the largest fish though!!!
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