Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Walthamstow - 25/09/07

Wind was coming from the south, so tryed the causeway fishing in to #4 to no avail.

Moved to #5 over on the far bank by the walnut trees and after a while noticed quite a fish shoaling close to the bank. They were in shoals of 50+, and a cormorant had been keeping them at bay.

As these fish were very nervous and later found that they had been stocked in the morning, they were'nt really up for looking at flies. Still it was great fun chasing them around and practicing my casting and targeting skills. If there was 2" twig on the bank I would envetibly tangle on it.

I manged to hook 2 fish on a montana cast in to the shoal, and had a few bumps. Was hard but good fun.

2 - 0 - 0

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