Monday, 29 October 2007
24/10/07 - Walthamstow
Managed to get an afternoon in (took 1/2 day leave), was hoping the warm cloudless weather would hang on but turned out grey and cold with some drizzle.
As the wind was northerly started on the railway bank by the inlet. Set up with a Di5 and boobies. After while changed to a floater as I saw large shoals of stockies still roaming round. So put on a floater with Dial Bach, buzzer and a montanna and soon had a fish to the point fly montanna.
From then on had great fun, all the other fish were caught casting to them. Saw the same sort of formation as before with a V like formation and if you managed to get a fly in front of the lead fish, I almost always caught which seemed to be the first fish. If my flies fell behind it, towards the following fish, I might of got a bump or a tug, but no hook-ups.
The fish would come and go and often I would have to trot round to the bank to the side of me to trap them.
Anyway managed a good 6. Sometimes the shoals would dissapear for at least 45mins, and there were cormorants feeding on them. And saw one of the fuckers a couple of 100 yards chasing one with the trout leaping 3foot out of the water while the black death chased it and eventually caught up with it, came out of the water with the fish in its bill raised its ugly head and let the trout slip down its neck. I thought the fish could have been one of the ones I had released as it must have been knackered out, and therefore easy prey. I do try to rush a fish in when I am going to release it. Once the beast had swallowed the fish it went on to the bank and had a rest for half an hour, and would have been great practice for a crossbow!
Most of the fish came to a simple dial bach. The fishing got harder as the evening approached and never got a wiff in the last hour.
6 - 2 - 0
As the wind was northerly started on the railway bank by the inlet. Set up with a Di5 and boobies. After while changed to a floater as I saw large shoals of stockies still roaming round. So put on a floater with Dial Bach, buzzer and a montanna and soon had a fish to the point fly montanna.
From then on had great fun, all the other fish were caught casting to them. Saw the same sort of formation as before with a V like formation and if you managed to get a fly in front of the lead fish, I almost always caught which seemed to be the first fish. If my flies fell behind it, towards the following fish, I might of got a bump or a tug, but no hook-ups.
The fish would come and go and often I would have to trot round to the bank to the side of me to trap them.
Anyway managed a good 6. Sometimes the shoals would dissapear for at least 45mins, and there were cormorants feeding on them. And saw one of the fuckers a couple of 100 yards chasing one with the trout leaping 3foot out of the water while the black death chased it and eventually caught up with it, came out of the water with the fish in its bill raised its ugly head and let the trout slip down its neck. I thought the fish could have been one of the ones I had released as it must have been knackered out, and therefore easy prey. I do try to rush a fish in when I am going to release it. Once the beast had swallowed the fish it went on to the bank and had a rest for half an hour, and would have been great practice for a crossbow!
Most of the fish came to a simple dial bach. The fishing got harder as the evening approached and never got a wiff in the last hour.
6 - 2 - 0
Monday, 22 October 2007
Booby tying
With the cold weather setting in and the fish moving down and feeding towards the bottom, boobies will be my main course of attack from now on.
I spent ages trying to get a the perfect booby eyes, and the best ones I ever had were tyed by Lee Kitchen. I got fed up with shit floozeyes that broke if a fish even sniffed at them, and polystyrene balls in stocking mesh (not just cos they smelt fishy!).
I phoned Lee up at the start of the year and he kindly explained the way he made them. Best if you make a few cylinders and trim them up while watching TV and drinking a beer. Can take a few minutes to make them, but with time it will speed up.

Walthamstow - 21/10/07
Managed a Sunday afternoon.
Weather was bright with a mild South wind.
Went to #5 and fished the first step on the west side (where I caught the biggy last trip!). saw plenty of nervous fish shoaling around from the stocking the other day, including the still large shoal of browns.
Fished with 2 boobies, orange on dropper and green and black on the point. Had quite a few pulls, when letting the Di5 sink for 20-30's, although had nothing fishing hard on the bottom.
First fish was a stockie brown:
Weather was bright with a mild South wind.
Went to #5 and fished the first step on the west side (where I caught the biggy last trip!). saw plenty of nervous fish shoaling around from the stocking the other day, including the still large shoal of browns.
Fished with 2 boobies, orange on dropper and green and black on the point. Had quite a few pulls, when letting the Di5 sink for 20-30's, although had nothing fishing hard on the bottom.
First fish was a stockie brown:
Nice to see them, but like many people have mentioned, perfect snack size for the resident cormorants, less than a pound in size!
Then had another stockie, this time a rainbow.
Decided to try the tree bank opposite to see if I could get hold of a resident. Manged a few pulls and fish about 2lbs on the booby set up (all fish I caught came to an orange bodied, white tail booby). Tryed an intermediate with nymphs throught out the afternoon without an offer.
Good fishing with fish well spread out and everyone I saw was getting action.
3 - 3 - 1
Friday, 19 October 2007
17/10/07 - Walthamstow
More like it.
Apaprently #4 had been stocked with a 1000 rainbows and #5 had 300 smallish browns.
Wind was from the North and I started to fish the corner of #5 near the causway.
First of all tryed a cdc with a cove buzzer on a dropper. Had one offer to the cdc in about an hour and decided to go on a booby set up. Fish had been breaking the surface, but rather than feeding think they were just disturbing each other.
Tryed my new Di5 extreme distance and was very pleased with it. Had a 12' leader with an orange blob booby on the dropper and a black and green on the point.
Second cast and bang, had the old tug-tug-pull type bites, only familiar when booby fishing and a few minutes later and after a little bit of arm ache I had my biggest fish from Walthamstow this season, a cracking 4.5lb'er!!!
Had one more on the B&G and one on the orange one.
Sport was pretty sporadic on the boobies but good fun, tryed the floater agian with no pulls.
Think the booby will be the way to go from now on. Also tryed a floater with a site bob fishing at all the depths with a apps bloodworm on the point close to the bottom, and never got a twitch.
Cant wait till I get back (hopefully sunday as the rain is due to arrive monday)!
Apaprently #4 had been stocked with a 1000 rainbows and #5 had 300 smallish browns.
Wind was from the North and I started to fish the corner of #5 near the causway.
First of all tryed a cdc with a cove buzzer on a dropper. Had one offer to the cdc in about an hour and decided to go on a booby set up. Fish had been breaking the surface, but rather than feeding think they were just disturbing each other.
Tryed my new Di5 extreme distance and was very pleased with it. Had a 12' leader with an orange blob booby on the dropper and a black and green on the point.
Second cast and bang, had the old tug-tug-pull type bites, only familiar when booby fishing and a few minutes later and after a little bit of arm ache I had my biggest fish from Walthamstow this season, a cracking 4.5lb'er!!!
Had one more on the B&G and one on the orange one.
Sport was pretty sporadic on the boobies but good fun, tryed the floater agian with no pulls.
Think the booby will be the way to go from now on. Also tryed a floater with a site bob fishing at all the depths with a apps bloodworm on the point close to the bottom, and never got a twitch.
Cant wait till I get back (hopefully sunday as the rain is due to arrive monday)!

Charlie sorting out the BBQ for the fillets of the biggie!
PS One bloke in #5 found the shoal of brownies and pulled at least 30 out and returned.
3 - 4 - 2
15/10/07 - Walthamstow
Had a frustrating couple of hours and didn't manage a fish, tryed along the east bank on #5 and it was the first really cold wind so far and I struggled.
0 - 0- 0
0 - 0- 0
8/10/07 - Walthamstow
Found the wind blowing from the North, so started on the railway bank at the inlet on #4.
Had 3 buzzers on and a sight bob and caught a nice fish after about 1/2 an hour on a dial bach. Spooned the fish and found nothing in its gut so moved to #5 and fished the East bank towards the island.
Wind was a bit akward but saw some nice large fish rising, had a few offers to a CDC and missed them, then found my hook had snapped on the first offer and was fishing with a dressed shank! This spot looks very promising especially when the wind is coming from the NE, will try soon for the beauties around here.
One bloke had 11 fish including 2 brownies and one of them was over 3lb, all from #5 on the west bank.
1 - 1 - 0
Walthamstow is having a great season, and have never known sport here so good, maybe as I am fishing it more, but I am seeing plenty of fish caught.
Had 3 buzzers on and a sight bob and caught a nice fish after about 1/2 an hour on a dial bach. Spooned the fish and found nothing in its gut so moved to #5 and fished the East bank towards the island.
Wind was a bit akward but saw some nice large fish rising, had a few offers to a CDC and missed them, then found my hook had snapped on the first offer and was fishing with a dressed shank! This spot looks very promising especially when the wind is coming from the NE, will try soon for the beauties around here.
One bloke had 11 fish including 2 brownies and one of them was over 3lb, all from #5 on the west bank.
1 - 1 - 0
Walthamstow is having a great season, and have never known sport here so good, maybe as I am fishing it more, but I am seeing plenty of fish caught.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Walthamstow - 01/10/07
Wind was coming from the NE, so started on the railway bank close to the inlet.
As I set up, I noticed a fish breaking the surface, so I decided to go with a CDC and a Dial Bach on a dropper.
Then, just last week I noticed a shoal of stockies speeding around on the surface.
they were in a v-formation like a flock of geese, following the leader. While they were around I got a couple of tugs, and snapped one of. Caught one on a CDC.
Went up to #5 when the fish disappeared (may have gone down as the wind got a bit colder), and fished the causeway with no action at all or view of a fish.
Went back to #4 by the inlet, set up a pair of boobies and tryed to fish the depths looking for the fish and had no joy.
The shoal came back briefly and I managed another couple of bump, but nothing connected.
1 fish but action here and there made it a good 3 hours!
1 - 0 - 0
As a side not, have noticed that the syndicate resevoir; East Warwick is fishing really well, including a few really nice brownies over 5lb!
As I set up, I noticed a fish breaking the surface, so I decided to go with a CDC and a Dial Bach on a dropper.
Then, just last week I noticed a shoal of stockies speeding around on the surface.
they were in a v-formation like a flock of geese, following the leader. While they were around I got a couple of tugs, and snapped one of. Caught one on a CDC.
Went up to #5 when the fish disappeared (may have gone down as the wind got a bit colder), and fished the causeway with no action at all or view of a fish.
Went back to #4 by the inlet, set up a pair of boobies and tryed to fish the depths looking for the fish and had no joy.
The shoal came back briefly and I managed another couple of bump, but nothing connected.
1 fish but action here and there made it a good 3 hours!
1 - 0 - 0
As a side not, have noticed that the syndicate resevoir; East Warwick is fishing really well, including a few really nice brownies over 5lb!
Walthamstow - 25/09/07
Wind was coming from the south, so tryed the causeway fishing in to #4 to no avail.
Moved to #5 over on the far bank by the walnut trees and after a while noticed quite a fish shoaling close to the bank. They were in shoals of 50+, and a cormorant had been keeping them at bay.
As these fish were very nervous and later found that they had been stocked in the morning, they were'nt really up for looking at flies. Still it was great fun chasing them around and practicing my casting and targeting skills. If there was 2" twig on the bank I would envetibly tangle on it.
I manged to hook 2 fish on a montana cast in to the shoal, and had a few bumps. Was hard but good fun.
2 - 0 - 0
Moved to #5 over on the far bank by the walnut trees and after a while noticed quite a fish shoaling close to the bank. They were in shoals of 50+, and a cormorant had been keeping them at bay.
As these fish were very nervous and later found that they had been stocked in the morning, they were'nt really up for looking at flies. Still it was great fun chasing them around and practicing my casting and targeting skills. If there was 2" twig on the bank I would envetibly tangle on it.
I manged to hook 2 fish on a montana cast in to the shoal, and had a few bumps. Was hard but good fun.
2 - 0 - 0
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